Alkaline Water and Reverse Osmosis: 5 Differences

Alkaline Water and Reverse Osmosis: 5 Differences

If you think that reverse osmosis and alkaline water are the same, you need to think again. Most people think that alkalinity is associated with ionizer machines. In this article, we are going to talk about the difference between reverse osmosis and alkaline water. Read on to find out more.

Reverse Osmosis (Ro)

In this device, there is a semi-permeable membrane that removes molecules, particles, and ions. With this filtration technology, hydraulic pressure is used to separate molecules from water. Therefore, you need electricity to power these units.

1. Alkaline Water Filtration requires no Electricity

As said earlier, reverse osmosis uses electricity for the treatment and the removal of particles. Unlike RO units, these systems cost more. The good thing is that they are a viable solution. Generally, it is easy to set up countertop filters. On the other hand, you need to have the technical know-how to install a reverse osmosis system.

2. RO Removes all types of Minerals

RO units can totally remove total dissolved solids. But the problem is that they also remove a lot of healthy minerals. For regular consumption, experts don’t recommend demineralized water. If you continue to drink this type, you will have to suffer from health issues.

So, you need to remineralize filtered water by adding another system into the process. By contrast, an alkaline filter adds to the mineral content of your tap water. Apart from this, these systems can also add electrolytes for even better hydration capacity.

3. RO Wastes Tons of water

The RO process wastes a lot of water. It can waste up to 80% of it. In other words, you will end up wasting 8 liters of liquid in exchange for 2 liters of filtered water. Although you can also find some units that don’t waste much, know that they cost a lot of money.

On the other hand, you can use a countertop filter to produce alkaline water. This process will add healthy minerals while generating no wastewater at all.

4. An Alkaline Filter is a Small Unit

RO units cover a lot of space as they are large units. On the other hand, an alkaline filter does not take as much space. Besides, they are less expensive to purchase and maintain.

5. RO produces Acidic Water

If you want to improve the pH level of your tap water, you can use an alkaline machine. The process of RO removes all of the minerals which is why drinking this type of water is not recommended.

If you want to remineralize reverse osmosis water and enhance the pH level, we suggest that you try an ionizer machine. Again this approach can cost you a lot of money.

In short, these five are the primary differences between alkaline water and reverse osmosis water.

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The Pros and Cons of RO Water Filters

The Pros and Cons of RO Water Filters

Are you thinking of purchasing a reverse osmosis water purifier? If so, we suggest that you understand the pros and cons of the devices. With this approach, you can choose a better alternative to stay healthy. In this guide, we are going to get a deeper insight into the basics of these devices. And then we will take a look at the pros and cons of these units. Let’s get started.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Originally, this technology was invented to improve seawater for regular consumption. Besides, these machines were designed to remove heavy metals and other chemical contaminants from tap water.

Basically, reverse osmosis refers to a process that filters your tap water and removes different types of dissolved minerals.

What can you remove using a Reverse Osmosis filter?

Reverse osmosis devices remove different types of contaminants from your tap water. Some common contaminants on this list include sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. As a matter of fact, you can remove hundreds of these elements from plain water. And the good thing is that the efficiency rating of these units is 99%.

But these devices have their own set of limitations. For example, you cannot use them for removing chlorine or making your water soft. Therefore, these units come with activated carbon filters that can help remove more than 70 types of contaminants, such as Pharmaceuticals, chlorine bi-products, herbicides, and pesticides.

RO filters can help reduce the TDS level

With a TDS meter, you can measure the dissolved elements in your tap water. However, you cannot make your decision based on the TDS readings. If the TDS rating of your plain water is more than 150 PPM, it means that your tap water contains a lot of minerals. And this can be good news.

Do you need an RO Filter?

Over the past few years, reverse osmosis units have been quite popular among the masses. The fact of the matter is that these units are not useful for you unless you have had your tap water tested. In other words, you need to check the quality of your drinking water before purchasing these units.

Pros of RO Filters

These units are proven water filters that can help you purify your tap water

After filtration, your tap water will become free of heavy metals and bacteria

The filtered water will contain a higher amount of TDS

Cons of RO Filtration

These devices can waste a lot of water during the filtration process

Require a lot of maintenance for safety and effectiveness

Can remove minerals as well, such as bicarbonates, potassium, magnesium, and Calcium

These devices are more expensive to purchase


In short, reverse osmosis devices are absolutely amazing. They can help you convert seawater into filtered and purified water. You can also protect your health against water contaminants. Hopefully, these tips will help you understand the unit much more easily. And you will be able to purchase the best type of filter to satisfy your needs.

6 Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Powder

6 Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Powder

Ganoderma lucidum offers a lot of benefits. In this article, we are going to take a look at the benefits of Ganoderma lucidum spores powder. After you have studied this article, you will be able to have a deep understanding of this substance. Let’s find out more.

1. Anticancer effect

First of all, it can help control the transplanted animal tumour, mouse sarcoma, and liver cancer. According to research studies, the inhibition rate is up to 79.6% after one week of administration. Apart from this, ethanol extract can reduce the growth of various cancer cells. The thing is that even a small quantity of 1 mg can help eliminate cervical cancer cells, gastric cancer cells, and many other types of cancer cells.

2. Immunity

This powder can trigger the macrophages phagocytosis. Besides, it has great resistance to glucocorticoid. Similarly, the water extract can boost the activity of beta-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase.

Apart from this, it can improve the serum agglutination and phagocytosis of liver fat. Plus, deactivation of this extract can boast the increment and transformation rate of mice spleen. Finally, experiments on mice concluded that this powder can also boost the immunity of these creatures.

3 liver protection

Ganoderma lucidum spore powder can also protect liver function. It does so by protecting the liver against damage caused by D-galactosamine. In an experiment, the cells displayed punctate necrosis and inflammation, and the liver received serious damage. On the other hand, mice that received this powder had no liver damage.

4. Hypolipidemic effect

Oral administration of this powder displayed no effect on triglyceride and total cholesterol levels in mice. However, it can help reduce triglyceride and total cholesterol in hyperlipidemia mice. After the administration of 1 to 5g of this powder, the TG and TCHO came down by up to 52.5%. Compared to clofibrate, the action strength of this powder is much higher.

5. Hypoglycemic effect

The ethanol extract has a therapeutic and preventive effect on mice with diabetes caused by alloxan. According to experts, GLSE can help prevent alloxan damage to beta cells and boost the function of beta cells in mice.

In normal rats, GLSE may also increase the hyperglycemia caused by adrenaline and glucose. Besides, it can boost glucose tolerance in mice with diabetes. GLSE may help control glycogen decomposition. Besides, it may also keep these mice hydrated much longer. So, the effects can help reduce the symptoms in mice.

6. Anti-hypoxia ability

After the administration of GLSE in the rats, the survival rate went up considerably in anaerobic conditions. Besides, the response was based on how much dose is given. According to some speculations, the powder may boost the RBC and HB content, and improve oxygen concentration in mice.

In short, these are the 6 primary benefits of Ganoderma lucidum spore powder. If you want to enjoy these benefits, you may consult an expert and use this product.

Do you want to benefit from Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder? If so, you may also try ganoderma lucidum spore oil softgel, which is the high purity extract of ganoderma lucidum spore powder, most powerful finished products we can try. They both offer amazing health benefits.